July 23, 2019
L awton Public Schools Board of Education members approved the 2019-2020 school lunch prices at the July 18, 2019 meeting. The new price reflects a $.15 increase from the past tw...

July 12, 2019
LPS Check-In Requirement: Due to the newly imposed state and federal guidelines regarding chronic absenteeism, LPS is taking steps to ensure all parents/guardians are fully info...
June 7, 2019
Attendance at LPS Check-In is required for both *new and returning students in order to obtain a schedule or class assignment. \r\n Documentation needed at Check-In: \r\n - ...

June 4, 2019
Tonight at the June 3 Regular Board of Education meeting, the Board approved the following time changes for the 2019-2020 school year. \r\n High School 7:35 am - 2:25 pm ...

February 14, 2019
Title I Needs Assessment Survey 2020 \r\n Title I Schoolwide Programs & Services Evaluation \r\n \r\n Annual Needs Assessment \r\n \r\n For Parents, Community Members, &...
October 2, 2018
Take a look back at all things LPS in this month's issue of the LPS ReView. You will find news stories, district events, personality profiles, sports, editorials and much more! ...

September 27, 2018
Oct. 13th Sport Clay Event Schedule: Download form here SPORTING CLAY FUNDRAISER 7:00 - 8:00 Full Breakfast Will Be Served. 7:30 - 8:00 Registration & Safety 8:30 Sporting Clay...
September 5, 2018
Parents: Please mark your calendar for this special meeting with Amber Parks!

August 24, 2018
# LawtonPS Family: There have been several changes made to the 2018-2019 bus schedule. Please check the document to see if changes have been made to the bus numbers or bus st...
August 21, 2018
LPS Parents & Guardians: The online payment option is now open and ready for use. Please visit the Parent Portal site (https://campus.lawtonps.org/campus/portal/lawton.jsp )...
July 31, 2018
JOM Eligibility Requirements: To be eligible for JOM services, a student must be an ENROLLED member of a Federally Recognized Indian Tribe or at least 1/4 or more degree of ...

July 20, 2018
Please join us for Lincoln Elementary's Back to School Night & Title I Annual Meeting on August 9, 2018 at 5:00 p.m. We will meet in the auditorium for a brief presentation and th...
July 12, 2018
# LawtonPS Parents: \r\n Free and Reduced Lunch Applications are currently not available due to the transition of software taking place this summer. As soon as they are final...
April 28, 2018
Join us for a night of dinner and dancing benefiting our #LawtonPS teachers and students!\r\nFor more information, visit www.LawtonPSF.org. \r\n #TeamLawton
April 19, 2018
Beginning April 19th~Due to school hours being extended, the bus will now pick up students 30 min. earlier than the normal time. Students will also be dropped off 30 min. later in...
April 19, 2018
Beginning April 19th~new school hours are 8:30-4:15. Doors will open for breakfast at 8:15. The last day of school for students is May 25th.

February 2, 2018
Visit the Book Fair online and start shopping today!!!! Go to Lincoln Online Book Fair