September 16, 2017
Please see the attached Public Service Announcement from the City of Lawton in reference to the upcoming 52nd Street project. \r\n Eisenhower parents: We will keep you updated by ...
September 7, 2017
\r\n Join us and the Lawton Public Schools Foundation for an all you can eat breakfast! \r\n Lawton Public School teachers and students need your support! Our talented and highly...
August 21, 2017
Dreaming the Dreams of Our Children Written by Tom Deighan, LPS Superintendent \r\n A shadow slips across the landscape. Dogs howl and birds scatter. Mothers cast...
August 8, 2017
\r\n Lawton Public Schools is now accepting applications for Area 3's Board of Education Member Position. All interested candidates must submit their completed application to the...
August 7, 2017
\r\n Lawton Public Schools Board of Education members unanimously approved a proposal by Superintendent Dr. Tom Deighan during the August 7, 2017 board meeting. The approval mean...
August 7, 2017
\r\n Elementary: \r\n Adams Elementary, Wednesday, August 9, 5:45 p.m. \r\n Almor West Elementary , Wednesday, August 9, 5:30-6:30 p.m. \r\n Carriage Hills Elementary , Thur...
August 4, 2017
# LawtonPS parents/guardians: You must physically check your student in at the school to complete registration process by Aug. 10th. Sites are open from 8 to 3 p.m. \r\n Plea...
August 2, 2017
This # TeamLawtonTuesday , we are gearing up for # LawtonPS Student Check-In's which starts tomorrow with our elementary students, 8th graders and seniors! If you want to f...
August 1, 2017
\r\n August 1, 2017 \r\n Dear Parent/Guardian: \r\n Lawton Public Schools is pleased to announce that we will begin using the Raptor Visitor Management System in each of our scho...
July 27, 2017
Here's a great opportunity to enjoy some quality family time at the Ft. Sill Youth Center! It's FREE for all DoD card holders and their families! The event starts at 4 p.m....
July 28, 2017
# LawtonPS secondary students (grades 6-12) are you interested in riding the LATS bus this school year, but not sure how it works?!? We’ve got you covered! Be sure to mark y...
July 27, 2017
\r\n Parents! \r\n If your student missed the physicals in May, the LPS Athletic department has scheduled make-up physicals for Saturday, July 29th. It will take place at Lawton...
July 25, 2017
We received several calls today regarding information posted on this site:…/…/lawton-public-schools/ . \r\n It states that the first day for stu...
July 15, 2017
Central Middle School is hosting a Mini-School for all incoming 6th graders and their parents! \r\n The event will take place Friday, August 4 and starts at\r\n1:30 p.m. Staff w...
July 14, 2017
\r\n LPS Staff: Annual professional development and compliance training through GCN (Global Compliance Network) will “officially” be available Monday, July 17th ...
July 14, 2017
\r\n Anxious, nervous, excited about your Freshmen year?!? Be sure to mark your calendars because your peers and soon-to-be teachers want to get you ready and set you up for succ...
July 10, 2017
\r\n \r\n Lawton, OK: Lawton Public Schools is making it easier and more convenient for families to enroll their student with the new Online Registration (OLR) process...
July 6, 2017
\r\n Attention LPS Staff: \r\n The LPS Global Compliance Network (GCN) website will officially open on July 17th for those who want to get a "jump start" on the completion of r...
July 5, 2017
Mark your calendars for student Check-In. If you have already enrolled or attended LPS last year, you will visit your individual site during student Check-In. \r\n \r\n