
Special education services range from early childhood special education services, where young children receive specific services (e.g. speech or language therapy) or attend a Developmental Delay class, to an extended high school Transition Program for students ages 18-21, who due to their disabilities need some additional transition services. The district offers a wide range of service delivery options for consideration by IEP teams including regular education classes with accommodations, co-teaching, resource room/supplementary services, direct instruction and self-contained special education classes.
Each year, our special needs population grows by a significant amount. Many new students come to Lawton from military bases all over the world. When moving to a new school, it is important for all parents to consider the following points to ensure a smooth the transition for their child in special education:
1. Please bring your child's current education records, to include all the special education records. This applies to both military and civilian families. If your family is military, we recommend that you hand carry your child’s education records -do not have them packed with the rest of your belongings.
2. At the very least you should bring a copy of your child's most current IEP. This is the Individual Education Program that is developed for every eligible special education student by his/her public school. Every eligible special education student has an IEP.
3. Further records are helpful, but not necessary. These would include special education eligibility documentation; psycho-educational evaluations or psychological evaluations; current medical records, including information about prescribed medications; academic reports/report cards from previous school; records of previous placement (type of special education class in which your child has been receiving services); and attendance records
Special Services Center (SSC) is the "central office" for special education and Section 504 services in Lawton Public Schools. SSC is also the Central Office serving the districts Section 504 Students. The delivery of special education and related services for approximately 2,700 students with disabilities under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). As required by IDEA, the district provides special education and related services to all eligible special education students ranging from three (3) through twenty-one (21) years of age. Lawton Public Schools is currently providing services to children with disabilities under 12 of the 13 federal and state categories:
Deaf / Blind
Deafness / Hearing Impairment
Developmental Delay
Emotional Disturbance
Intellectual Disabilities
Orthopedic Impairment
Other Health Impairment
Multiple Disabilities
Specific Learning Disabilities
Speech and/or Language Impaired
Traumatic Brain Injury
Visual Impairment
Upon arrival in Lawton, please call the LPS Special Services Center at (580) 357-6900 for further assistance. We will visit with you about your child's needs and current IRP, if needed we will arrange for a time to bring your child’s special education records to our office. Directions to our office, located at 753 NW Fort Sill Blvd., will be provided by telephone. Upon review of your child's records, recommendations and decisions will be made regarding the best placement and school for your child. Please call Special Services Center before enrolling in any Lawton school, if your child has significant special needs. Students with speech only and/or specific learning disabilities, you may enroll them in their neighborhood schools and provide copies of special education records to their school.
Lawton Public Schools continually conducts Child Find activities, required by special education law, throughout the school year to locate, identify and evaluate children with suspected disabilities:
The Oklahoma State Department of Education website has a wealth of information available for both parents and educators about many special education and related topics. One valuable resource to help parents understand the special education process is the partnering with your child's school(IDEA Parent Guide). Additional resources and website links related to special education can be found at the Oklahoma State Department of Education website for Special Education Services.
Lawton Public Schools Transition Program
The Transition Program has been a part of LPS for over 20 years. During that time they have prepared several students for what life is like after high school. Hear from students and staff on how impactful this program is.
Meet Our Team

Mendie Cargill
Assistant Director - Elementary
