September 27, 2016
Written by Tom Deighan, LPS Superintendent When I first heard about it on the radio, I couldn’t believe that Fists of Fury 7 would be bringing such a lineup to Lawton. The ...
September 26, 2016
Thank you Lawton-Fort Sill for a record-breaking breakfast fundraiser, that has brought in more than $16,000 for our local educators through the Lawton Public School Foundation!! ...
September 26, 2016
Eisenhower High School students and staff have observed Character Day 2016 with decoration, kind deed and classroom lessons throughout their building today! The day began with le...

September 16, 2016
In case you weren't able to make it to Cameron Stadium last Friday, catch the excitement of Will Shields visiting his hometown of Lawton here: Will Shields video Mr, Shields, pr...

September 12, 2016
Written by Tom Deighan, LPS Superintendent A little proud and a little ashamed – that is how I felt as the board of education approved $100 for certified classroom teacher’s...

September 12, 2016
Written by Tom Deighan, LPS Superintendent Last year, the Lawton-Fort Sill community celebrated leadership during an event at Cameron University. Hosted by the Greater Lawto...
August 25, 2016
Written by Tom Deighan, LPS Superintendent It is as American as baseball and apple pie: complaining about our elected officials. And while we have a constitutional duty t...

August 24, 2016
Gateway Success Center students gathered in the Douglass Learning Center cafeteria today to take part in the first of the 2016-17 "Show Me the $$" workshop series. The 9-part seri...

August 19, 2016
Welcome, Welcome, Welcome to LPS!
Welcome to our new Lawton Public Schools website!
We are excited to roll out more than two dozen webpages reflecting each distri...

August 18, 2016
The LPS Homeless Education Program provides advocacy, support and resources to any student who lacks a fixed, adequate and regular nighttime residence.
The program is fun...
August 17, 2016
Students and staff of Lawton Public Schools completed the second of three consecutive days of recording for OSAG (Oklahoma School Assurance Group) safety videos today at Centra...