Free AP Review Classes

Beginning on Wednesday, March 25, you can attend free, live AP review courses, delivered by AP teachers from across the country. These courses:

  • Are optional, mobile-friendly, and can be used alongside any work your teacher may give you.
  • Will be available on-demand, so you can access them any time.
  • Will focus on reviewing the skills and concepts from the first 75% of the course. There will also be some supplementary lessons including topics from the final 25% of the course.

To access the live classes and recordings, visit the AP YouTube channel. We’ll be adding more courses soon.


Daily AP Course Schedule

TimeLivestream 1Livestream 2Livestream 3Livestream 4Livestream 5
9-9:45a.m. ETCalculus BC    
10-10:45a.m. ETChemistry Music Theory   
11-11:45a.m. ETPhysics C: MechanicsU.S. HistoryEuropean History  
12-12:45p.m. ETEnglish Literature and CompositionPhysics 1: Algebra-BasedItalian Language and Culture  
1-1:45p.m. ETArt HistoryEnvironmental ScienceGerman Language and Culture  
2-2:45p.m. ETStatisticsSpanish Literature and CultureCalculus AB  
3-3:45p.m. ETSpanish Language and CultureMicroeconomics U.S. Government and Politics English Language and Composition 
4-4:45p.m. ETBiologyPsychologyComparative Government & PoliticsComputer Science AJapanese Language and Culture
5-5:45p.m. ETChinese Language and CultureMacroeconomicsPhysics 2: Algebra-BasedHuman Geography 
6-6:45p.m. ETWorld History: ModernPhysics C: Electricity & MagnetismFrench Language and CultureLatin 

Download the daily schedule for 32 courses (.pdf/455 KB).


Find your course schedule below.