PTA Holiday Shop!
\r\n\r\n\r\nIt's that exciting time of the year when Freedom PT A sponsors and in-school gift store where the children can buy gifts for their family
and friends.
All gifts range from $1.00-10.00. On average, students spend $25-30. To help out your child shop, please fill out the shopping list and return it before your student's assigned shopping day. Please do NOT send money until your student is ready to shop. (Send exact cash or check made out to Freedom Elementary PTA) If there is any leftover money please consider that a donation to the PTA for upcoming events.
\r\nEach class has a designated timeslot, your teacher will inform you of their date/time. Gifts will be sent home with your child wrapped and labeled if requested by student.
Volunteers are needed during the week to help students shop and wrap gifts. Please consider signing up to volunteer during these days. We need as many volunteers as possible to make this a wonderful event for our children!! There are several shifts to fill.