Dear Parents and Students,
Spring is finally on the way! Hopefully, the cold weather is behind us and the April Showers will bring May Flowers. MacArthur Middle School is ready to take on whatever Spring brings. The month is full of academic and athletic events.
This is an extremely important time for everyone at MacArthur. It is the month of state academic testing. Our students and teachers are busy preparing for our success. Testing has started and will continue throughout the month of April. The testing will encompass all three grades in math and reading as well as our 8th grade students who will take a test in Science. The tests will be given online. Students are preparing by taking a practice test to ensure that they understanding the testing software. MacArthur is asking for support from our parents during this exciting time. Please schedule doctor’s appointments or other reasons for a student to be absent for after school if at all possible. This will take stress from your child as they will not have to take makeup tests. If you have any questions regarding the schedule, please contact the main office. We will be happy to help you.
April is a busy time for sports at MMS. Golf, Tennis, and Baseball are all underway. I encourage you to get out and show your support. As always, I thank you for supporting the efforts of MacArthur Middle School. It is truly an honor to serve the MacArthur community.
Regina Lambert, Principal
Photo: 6th grade students and faculty test out 150 Chromebooks that are going to be used for state testing and class work.