"Girl Power Meets Wind Power" is the theme of this year's Girls in Engineering/STEM Day at Great Plains Technology Center. The FREE event, which is scheduled for Saturday, March 7, is open to any middle school girl currently in grades 6-8.
This one-day camp of fun hands-on activities and learning will take place from 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM at the Worley Seminar Center on the GPTC campus, 4500 SW Lee Blvd., in Lawton. A continental breakfast and pizza lunch will be served to all participants. Registration forms will be available in the MMS main office or students may register online by clicking on the link below. Printed registration forms should be faxed to GPTC at (580) 250-5677.
For more information about this event, contact Marcia Brown at (580) 250-5511, or email mbrown@greatplains.edu.