Following an end to the recent work stoppage and the decision by the Oklahoma State Department of Education to extend the state testing window by one week, MMS has revised its schedule for state testing for the coming weeks. Testing of students will begin Wednesday, April 18. Sessions will begin each morning and continue, as needed, throughout the day. Below is a complete list of scheduled test dates. Additional dates will be available for make-up tests, should a student be absent on a particular test date. For questions, please contact your student's grade-level counselor.
Wednesday, April 18 - 6th grade mathematics
Thursday, April 19 - 6th grade reading
Friday, April 20 - 7th grade mathematics
Tuesday, April 24 - 7th grade reading
Wednesday, April 25 - 8th grade reading/writing (continues through April 27)
Tuesday, May 1 - 8th grade science
Wednesday, May 2 - 8th grade mathematics