Our yearbooks are finally ready!
Orders for the 2022 MMS Yearbook, "THIS IS NOW," will be distributed during 7th hour today! Yearbooks will be delivered to students' classrooms. If a student is absent during distribution, they can pick up the book from Mr. Morlett in Room 47 starting Wednesday, May 11.
We have a limited number of yearbooks remaining to purchase. Yearbooks are $50 and will be sold on a first-come, first serve basis. Yearbooks may be purchased during lunch.
If you have moved since ordering your yearbook, please send an email with a current address to the adviser at elijah.morlett@lawtonps.org. If you have transferred schools locally, the yearbook can be picked up in the front office.
Our staff has worked hard to bring you this chapter in MMS history. We can't wait to share our publication with our community.