Message from the Principal.........
Fall is in the air! This is the time of the year when parents and teachers must take a little extra time to focus on making sure their students are continuing to be successful. Here are a few things to think about:
1. Weather- This is the time of year where you never know what kind of weather to expect. It is important that children wear clothing that matches the weather.
2. School- The newness of school has worn off and you will find your students less enthusiastic about doing homework. However, homework is a vital piece of the learning process. Every student can work on spelling words or math facts. Pioneer Park students should also read at least 20 minutes every night. Please help us out with making sure your students have done their homework!
3. Time- It will soon be time to "Fall Back". Although there will be less day light, your child is likely to be doing more. Sports, lessons, and "life" can all take a big chunk of time. Nevertheless, it is important to remember that the priorities you establish now will follow your children through the rest of their academic career. Parents set the stage for helping their students learn how to manage their time and fit in all the things they want to do.
Parenting isn't easy, but it's the hardest job you will ever love!!!