The Purple Star School Designation for military-friendly schools recognizes schools that show a major commitment to students and families connected to our nation’s military through the Military Child Education Coalition (MCEC). Schools that earn the award will receive a special Purple Star recognition to display on the campus website in honor of students of Military families.
A campus will be honored with the Purple Star School Designation if it submits an application to the Director of Special Projects that documents the completion of all the required activities, plus one optional activity, listed below.
Why LPS should start a Purple Star Schools Program:
· It will help the military service members who make their home in Lawton/Ft. Sill while they serve our country. The Purple Star certification lets them know that a school is dedicated to helping their child gain the educational skills necessary to be life-, work- and college-ready. The certification signals that a school supports the social and emotional wellbeing of military kids adjusting to new schools with the absence of a parent during deployment.
· It is consistent with Oklahoma’s commitment to helping military-connected children transition into new schools. All states have obligations under the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children. In the absence of a state-wide Purple Star Program, a district-wide Purple Star School program shares the Compact’s goals of ensuring that military children transition successfully into new schools and stay on track for graduation.
· It will help protect our district revenue. The U.S. military is now including the quality of K-12 schools near military facilities as part of its calculus in deciding future basing and personnel decisions. Communities with Purple Star Schools can help retain bases and attract military families who bring economic benefits to Lawton/Ft. Sill.
LPS Criteria at a Glance:
1. Program Name—LPS Purple Star School
2. Campus application submission window—Fall 2021 (Each elementary and Secondary campus will have the ability to submit their application that will document their purple status or lack of purple star status to the district Director of Special Projects.)
3. Designation announcement date—Spring 2022
4. Recognition Method—As a result of each campus application, the Director of Special Projects shall designate an elementary or secondary campus as a Purple Star School. The Purple Star School Designation for military-friendly schools recognizes the schools that show a major
commitment to students and families connected to our nation’s military. Schools that earn the award will receive a special Purple Star recognition to display on the campus website in honor of students of Military families. This designation is for three years.
5. Required Criteria for schools—each school must designate a staff member as a military liaison, whose duties include: (A) identifying military-connected students enrolled at the campus through Infinite Campus; (B) serving as the point of contact between the campus and military-connected students and their families as well as the district military liaison; ( C) determining appropriate campus services available to military-connected students; and (D) assisting in coordinating campus programs relevant to military-connected students;
6. Required Campus Activities—(A) Each campus must maintain on the campus Internet website an easily accessible web page that includes resources for military-connected students and their families, including information regarding: a. relocation to, enrollment at, registration at, and transferring records to the campus; b. academic planning, course sequences, and advanced classes available at the campus; and c. counseling and other support services available for military-connected students enrolled at the campus; (B) Maintain a transition program led by students, where appropriate, that assists military-connected students in transitioning into the campus; (C) Offer professional development for staff members on issues related to military-connected students;
7. Campus must complete at least one Optional Activity-- (A) a resolution showing support for military-connected students and their families; (B) recognition of the Month of the Military Child or Military Family Month with relevant events hosted by the campus; or (C) a partnership with a local military installation that provides opportunities for active duty military members to volunteer at the campus, speak at an assembly, or host a field trip.