
Continued waterline and storm sewer installation, as part of the 52nd Street Construction Project, will cause several entryways of Eisenhower High School – as well as eastward parking lot areas – to be closed beginning Monday, December 11, 2017. These closures will remain in place for the foreseeable future, according to contracting company T&G Construction and the City of Lawton Engineering Department.\r\n


Detour signs and/or barricades will be placed as necessary; there will still be sufficient parking for students, staff or parents visiting Eisenhower High School. General north- and southbound traffic flow should not be disrupted. At least three entryways to Eisenhower High School are slated to remain open.\r\n


The City of Lawton thanks you for your patience and support of this 480-day project, which began in September and is funded by a voter-approved CIP plan. We continue to work closely with Lawton Public Schools, as well as neighboring businesses and residents to keep citizens informed and aware. Relevant updates to the project will be posted as they are made available.\r\n


Those with additional questions or concerns may call the City of Lawton Engineering Department at 580.581.3385. Thank you.\r\n
