PP reminder baseball, softball, t-ball,coach pitch,machine pitch baseball and fast pitch softball sign-up's will be held Wed, Mar. 22nd from 4-6. Cost is $55, $50 if they are already in booster club.
almost 8 years ago, Pioneer Park
PP Reminder.....There will be no P.M. extended day due to conferences on Tues, Mar. 7th and Thurs, Mar. 9th. Students must be picked up at 3:45.
almost 8 years ago, Pioneer Park
PP Reminder....To finish off READ ACROSS AMERICA week, tomorrow, March 2nd is Book Buddies-Read with another class. There will be no school Friday, March 3rd.
almost 8 years ago, Pioneer Park
PP Reminder.......tomorrow, March 1st is Wacky Wednesday. Wear mismatched clothes, inside out, backwards, etc....
almost 8 years ago, Pioneer Park
PP Reminder....tomorrow, Tuesday, February 28th is Book Munch for Read Across America Week. Bring a snack to school and enjoy them as we read.
almost 8 years ago, Pioneer Park
PP Reminder.......Spring and class pictures will be taken tomorrow, Tuesday, February 21st. Please have your child(ren) dress in uniform. Thank you!
almost 8 years ago, Pioneer Park
PP Reminder.... Friday, February 17th is the last day to pre-order your year book for $15.00. A few extra will be ordered and will be available for $20 on a first come, first serve basis.
almost 8 years ago, Pioneer Park
PP.....Students and Staff may dress in casual clothing tomorrow, Tuesday, February 14th. Please wear pink, red or anything with hearts. Happy Valentine's Day!
almost 8 years ago, Pioneer Park
PP Reminder.....Tonight is PTA Bingo night! Come out and support PTA and Pioneer Park from 6-8 p.m. Bingo cards will cost $2.00 each at the door. Thank you for making this a great event!
almost 8 years ago, Pioneer Park
PP reminder PTA Bingo pre-orders are due today. Meals are only available through pre-orders and are $5. Pre-order cards are 3 for $5. Cards will be available the night of bingo @ $2 a piece.
almost 8 years ago, Pioneer Park
Declan and Susan with PAWS for Love will be visiting every Friday from 1:00-2:15.
almost 8 years ago, Pioneer Park
PP Sorry for the late reminder.....Today is SUPER HERO day today, donate $1.00 and wear a Super Hero Shirt or Super Hero Costume (please, no masks)
almost 8 years ago, Pioneer Park
PP Parents, Don't forget Soccer Sign-Up's are Wednesday, January 25th from 4-6 p.m. Hope to see you there!
almost 8 years ago, Pioneer Park
PP Reminder, If your child is going to be late or absent from school, please call the school office @ 580-355-5844. We would greatly appreciate it!
almost 8 years ago, Pioneer Park
PP Reminder, Today is our Student Council Blood Drive! Share life-Give Blood! Please come donate 1:15-4:00.
almost 8 years ago, Pioneer Park
PP Reminder, We have moved Hat Day to tomorrow, Friday, January 20th. Please make sure you have donated $1 to participate.
almost 8 years ago, Pioneer Park
PP Yearbook is in desperate need of any sports team photos. Please contact Rachel Hornbeck @ 580-917-1560 or sourpatch113@hotmail.com for further information.
almost 8 years ago, Pioneer Park
PP CORRECTION.....January 18th is Jeans Day (only with $1 donation) If you are participating, treat it as a casual day.
almost 8 years ago, Pioneer Park
PP Reminder......Our Bi-weekly NEWSLETTER has been posted to our website. Be sure to take a look at it so you can be up to date on all the happenings at Pioneer Park!
about 8 years ago, Pioneer Park
PP Reminder.....Tomorrow is wear a Christmas shirt day to school! Wear your favorite Christmas shirt and let's all be festive together!
about 8 years ago, Pioneer Park