PP reminder baseball, softball, t-ball,coach pitch,machine pitch baseball and fast pitch softball sign-up's will be held Wed, Mar. 22nd from 4-6. Cost is $55, $50 if they are already in booster club.
PP Reminder.....There will be no P.M. extended day due to conferences on Tues, Mar. 7th and Thurs, Mar. 9th. Students must be picked up at 3:45.
PP Reminder....To finish off READ ACROSS AMERICA week, tomorrow, March 2nd is Book Buddies-Read with another class. There will be no school Friday, March 3rd.
PP Reminder.......tomorrow, March 1st is Wacky Wednesday. Wear mismatched clothes, inside out, backwards, etc....
PP Reminder....tomorrow, Tuesday, February 28th is Book Munch for Read Across America Week. Bring a snack to school and enjoy them as we read.
PP Reminder.......Spring and class pictures will be taken tomorrow, Tuesday, February 21st. Please have your child(ren) dress in uniform. Thank you!
PP Reminder.... Friday, February 17th is the last day to pre-order your year book for $15.00. A few extra will be ordered and will be available for $20 on a first come, first serve basis.
PP.....Students and Staff may dress in casual clothing tomorrow, Tuesday, February 14th. Please wear pink, red or anything with hearts. Happy Valentine's Day!
PP Reminder.....Tonight is PTA Bingo night! Come out and support PTA and Pioneer Park from 6-8 p.m. Bingo cards will cost $2.00 each at the door. Thank you for making this a great event!
PP reminder PTA Bingo pre-orders are due today. Meals are only available through pre-orders and are $5. Pre-order cards are 3 for $5. Cards will be available the night of bingo @ $2 a piece.
Declan and Susan with PAWS for Love will be visiting every Friday from 1:00-2:15.
PP Sorry for the late reminder.....Today is SUPER HERO day today, donate $1.00 and wear a Super Hero Shirt or Super Hero Costume (please, no masks)
PP Parents, Don't forget Soccer Sign-Up's are Wednesday, January 25th from 4-6 p.m. Hope to see you there!
PP Reminder, If your child is going to be late or absent from school, please call the school office @ 580-355-5844. We would greatly appreciate it!
PP Reminder, Today is our Student Council Blood Drive! Share life-Give Blood! Please come donate 1:15-4:00.
PP Reminder,
We have moved Hat Day to tomorrow, Friday, January 20th. Please make sure you have donated $1 to participate.
PP Yearbook is in desperate need of any sports team photos. Please contact Rachel Hornbeck @ 580-917-1560 or sourpatch113@hotmail.com for further information.
PP CORRECTION.....January 18th is Jeans Day (only with $1 donation) If you are participating, treat it as a casual day.
PP Reminder......Our Bi-weekly NEWSLETTER has been posted to our website. Be sure to take a look at it so you can be up to date on all the happenings at Pioneer Park!
PP Reminder.....Tomorrow is wear a Christmas shirt day to school! Wear your favorite Christmas shirt and let's all be festive together!