Pioneer Park Parents/Guardians, There is no school tomorrow, Friday, October 14th. School will resume on Monday, October 17th. Have a safe extended weekend!
over 8 years ago, Pioneer Park
Pioneer Park Parents/Guardians Tomorrow, October, 13th is casual dress Thursday. In observance of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, let's all wear PINK and fight this horrible disease together!
over 8 years ago, Pioneer Park
Pioneer Park Parents/Guardians, Click on the link below to see an updated district calendar.
over 8 years ago, Pioneer Park
Pioneer Park Parents and Guardians This is just a reminder that there is school Friday, October 7th and Monday, October 10th. Thank you
over 8 years ago, Pioneer Park
Pioneer Park Parents and Guardians We will be accepting picture money through Friday, October 7th. No money will be accepted after Friday. Thank you
over 8 years ago, Pioneer Park
Pioneer Park Parents/Guardians, Please remember picture day is tomorrow, October 4th. Casual dress is allowed. Thank you!
over 8 years ago, Pioneer Park
Parents/Guardians, There is school for our students Friday, September 30th. We apologize for any confusion there may have been. Thank you
over 8 years ago, Pioneer Park
Parents: Please remember to call the office, 580-355-5844, to report if you child will be absent or late. Thank you!
over 8 years ago, Lawton Public Schools